Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Kathleen nous a quittés.

Kathleen nous a quittés. Elle a fait ses adieux et a nous a légué un vide éternel. Son sourire, sa joie et sa générosité resteront gravés dans nos coeurs et mémoires.

Kathleen était appréciée de tous et c'est une raison pour nous qui l'aimons d'être fiers et de continuer à lutter tel qu'elle le faisait... Kathleen était une amie authentique.

Elle n'avait pas tous les élément réunis pour se sentir parfaitement heureuse et pourtant, chaque jour qui naissait, l'espoir émanait de toute sa personne et embrumait son regard. Kathleen avait la foi.

Elle n'a jamais oublié son frère mais elle chantait son souvenir; elle n'a jamais trompé son coeur mais elle savait le faire rire; elle avait certes des moments de spleen mais ce n'était que pour mieux en sortir.

Sa joie de vivre brillait au-dessus de nous et était une raison de plus d'espérer. Kathleen était un exemple de force et de sensibilité.

Kathleen était forte. Kathleen était exceptionnelle. Kathleen sera commémorée. A jamais.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Imad has never had such long hair and beard and vice-versa for me... Doesn't Hicham look a bit like John Lennon?!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

Tonight I watched a movie called Kingdom of Heaven. I didn't expect what I saw at first but it only made it more powerful. The message of this movie is clear: there is NO OTHER Kingdom of Heaven than the one that YOU make of your life.

I would love for this message to be universally understood, as it would infer the end of Churches - and God knows that the leaders of the Churches don't always act in the best interest of their followers, but I do not dream much.

Judaïsm, Christianism, Islam and God forgive me for all the other worthy cults I have omitted... Which one of these is the best one to praise a God that, in the end, makes his "mind" not on the fleeting mortal form of our cult but rather on the intrinsic worthiness of our deeds and thoughts?!

So is it worthy of a believer to wish another man's destruction? Or is it more to wish his redemption?

Is a true believer someone who protects exclusively their own people or belongings, at the expense of the others? Or is it somebody who wishes every living soul's salvation?

In our world of torn morals and shattered beliefs, what would be more righteous than proclaiming high and loud a truth that gathers rather than divides? But none of those who can speak wants to listen... And who would want to examine their deeds and thoughts with the moral fiber they deserve, rather than the elusive mention of a godly purpose?! A handful...

So many questions and so little cause to answer them...

Therefore, I find it rather bold and courageous that a world famous director such as Ridley Scott takes the lead and gives his opinion on a timeless dream that means so little and so much at the same time.


There is no other God than God.
There is no symbol worth shedding another's blood.
There is no divine belief that can pretend to be superior to another.
And there will never be an end to religious wars until we realize and admit that no religion is superior to another.
Men make religions and not the other way round!

The Kingdom of Heaven is within. The rest is an inside job.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Après le massacre... Et toujours le sourire pourtant!


Before the massacre...

Monday, January 17, 2005

My grandfather's tomb